iCivics has your back all year long

iCivics has your back all year long

Is the new school year truly upon us? How are you feeling about it?

We’re sure you have mixed feelings.

At iCivics, we are filled with anticipation and excitement. There are so many new resources debuting this fall—including a new game and video series—and we can’t wait to share them with you!

We recognize you might not be feeling that same energy, or maybe yours comes with a bit of trepidation. Teaching is a tough job, and you’re on the frontlines of some of the biggest challenges facing our country. But without fail, you continue to show up to support your students. And we are by your side. 

You can rely on iCivics to create engaging, trustworthy, and useful materials that are accessible and scalable. We remain committed to providing you with the highest quality, nonpartisan civic education resources and programs.

Here are a couple of places to start:

  • Scope & Sequence
    This document is a handy reference all year long as you plan lessons. It lists all of our non-partisan resources in one place so you can quickly find the perfect match for your learning objectives. Our comprehensive units can be used as-is or you can select individual items to supplement existing materials. 
  • Free Webinar
    Join us for an information-packed webinar that will energize you for the year ahead. You’ll come away with great ideas for incorporating iCivics’ other resources into your lessons and have the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues and the iCivics team.

We admire you, we support you, and we’re cheering you on! We hope this year is filled with inspiration and growth.

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