The Life and Legacy of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

Justice O'Connor's Lasting Legacy

Reflections on Justice O'Connor Through the Years

Today, iCivics lost its leader, but we continue to be guided by Sandra Day O’Connor
iCivics CEO Louise Dube reflects on the life and legacy of iCivics founder and former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.

First Woman on Supreme Court Sandra Day O’Connor Will be Remembered as Country’s Foremost Advocate for Civic Education
Though her career on the U.S. Supreme Court often took center stage, Justice O’Connor saw her founding of iCivics, the country’s premier provider of and leading advocate for civic education, as her legacy.

Our mom, Sandra Day O’Connor, knew something about politics that America forgot
Jay and Scott O’Connor reflect on the legacy of their mom, Sandra Day O’Connor, and her dedication to civic education for all.

New Documentary Recounts the Life of iCivics Founder Sandra Day O’Connor
On the 40th anniversary of the unanimous confirmation of Sandra Day O’Connor as the first female Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. a new documentary by American Experience provides insights into this pioneering woman.
Classroom Resources
iCivics and Seneca Women have partnered to produce a classroom lesson based on Justice O’Connor’s extraordinary life. Seneca Women is a global leadership platform dedicated to advancing women and girls to fast-forward us to a more equitable and prosperous world.
Honor Justice O'Connor's legacy by making a memorial donation to iCivics today

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