Illustrate Impact
Civic Education Works
Research confirms that students who receive a comprehensive and high-quality civic education are more likely to be informed and actively engaged citizens and voters.

Independent research confirms our resources produce clear and tangible benefits to students—even after controlling for gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Even more promising: more than half the students that play our games in school play them again at home on their own time.
iCivics materials improve students’ civic knowledge, civic attitudes, and core literacy skills. Students are challenged to learn and engage with the material, and have fun in the process. New evidence is pointing to the power of matching iCivics games with authentic civic engagement experiences.

Learn More About Our Strategic Vision

We empower educators with resources that build the knowledge, skills, and dispositions students need for informed participation in our self-governing society.

We advance policy at the state and national levels to make civic education a priority for the health and strength of our nation.

We invite and engage a diverse network of learners and leaders in the movement for high-quality civic education.